In 1996, a blind seer Kabul Afghanistan, says will have a religious war in 2016
Bada Vanga grandmother Kabul, Afghanistan, who died 20 years ago warned of the spread of extremist groups, and predict that a massive war of will increase in 2016.
Tellers, who died in 1996 at the age of 85 years. He was believed to have magic eye magic ears because he can see the future, and his predictions come true to more than 85 percent.
He envisaged look at the big religious war which began in 2010 in Syria and will end in 2043 the establishment of a state in Europe, according to the published website
She predicts that Europe will be gone by the end of 2016, and the continent will become the place where they abandoned. Extremist terrorist groups ISIS will use chemical weapons against countries in Europe.
In her late 50 predicted warming and tsunami phenomenon, Mexico, 2004. In 1989, he told the American people that there will be two metal wings bird attack and eventually terrorism occurred on 9 November Tower Twin Towers. In addition, he predicted that the president's 44-generation United States is a black American (Barack Obama) and the President is the President Finally, the United States.
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