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10 foods will help increase energy and improve mental capacity

What do you want readers to your brain energy and good capacity? If you did not know whether to eat what makes the brain grow well try to learn from the following 10 foods that were found The most beneficial for increasing energy and your brain capacity.

1) Olive oil is a source of 3 fatty acids, which help protect the brain against antioxidants cause There is a lot of stress. In addition, it enhances memory and higher learning capacity.

2) Fish oil contains fatty acids good Naomi type 3, which helps the brain function well and be useful for including heart assist system organism.

3) Eggs were found to be the main source contained Goliath help improve memory and opposition to the old. Besides, it also helps to enhance communication to the brain cells around the whole organism. Eating an egg a day to 1 is better.

4) Beans loaded with fatty substances is useful for health beans help keep the brain fresh for what it contains vitamin E for opposition to the declining capacity of the brain. You should eat 30 grams a day is good. ... When you do not sleep enough, you will face problems 17 ...

5) Black chocolate cake, chocolate dark is useful for helping increase the capacity of the brain. It contains anti-oxidant substances affecting the human brain and memory capacity. For fans should eat 30 grams of chocolate per day is sufficient

6) Tomatoes contain lycopene, an effective acid against oxidation in the brain. In addition, the acid may be opposed to the effects on brain cells in order to facilitate the control system of the brain function better.

7) Broccoli Unlike other vegetables Broccoli contains vitamin K, which was also recognized as useful for helping maintain balance in the brain and increases energy to the brain. It helps provide nutrients and reduce pollution in the organism.

8) Grain cereals such as pumpkin seeds, rice, lentil lotus seeds.. These qualities are important properties for blood sugar control. In addition, when you feel tense or very tired, you can eat it at least 25 grams per day.

9) Coffee ate the most in the morning there are also advantages to the capacity of the brain, especially the ability of thinking better. French scientists have found that women who received from up to 3 cups of coffee a day are intelligent than women who did not drink coffee, up to 65%.

10) Do not overlook that brain food supplement only on fruits and vegetables. You should drink plenty of water during the day as it could facilitate and provide energy to the brain fresh. A day at least, you should drink water from 6 to 8 glasses of . Lifehack & prevention

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