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5 reasons to make your business to fail !

Why are there a number of business projects fail and some succeed? This is a question very difficult to answer each tbetei strategic plans or work address or business to afford respectively. If you own any project can find the key to solve this problem, it is a good thing best. But if the answer is negative, then problems will occur, to be sure. However, the following 5 tips can help entrepreneurs effectively solve problems in the implementation of its business plan successfully.

1) Timing (Set a Timeline)
All your work projects often have a limited time explicitly whether you need to start your project work when Which? And end at any time? You must ensure that the time that these are the most precise and accurate for the performance, if not So, plan your work can not be achieved fruitful. An alarming story, meanwhile, is that if you spend a lot of money beyond the planned project cost means that your project has already failed. To avoid these problems, you need to implement any project need to start doing it to be most effective in accordance with a defined date.

2). Of course, there are a lot of work in your business that you can not make yourself so that you do not can avoid the division of work and accountability to be on your team. What if your team does not understand what your target project and how they can achieve success plan how? This important task when you are raised from these projects for each team understand the projects and goals first, whether they be doing? Some accountability on this new project? How does this new project is to walk the streets? Why are you on target? Necessary case you need to prepare the key agenda in advance before convening talks with them in any specific time you planned.

3) Open meeting every week (Hold Weekly Meetings)
As mentioned in point 1, and it is that the implementation of the project work is an important thing to be played in accordance with the time set up and this is what you want. But this is just a theory, but the practice is not sure that can be done as planned, 100%, that is to say it always there are any obstacles or you have accountability to implement these projects work somewhere. So convene every week is important with your team members to check each result whether they apply to any level? What results is enough? What are the reasons leading to project work carried out did not succeed? These are the subject of this meeting, which is part make effective implementation of successful project work as planned.

4) Urges key individuals involved in the project's work (Key Players in Project)
This is undeniable that if you want the project's work can be carried out smoothly, and no one One key individual may be escaped, the engine in your project showing their position and ability . However, yesterday, you have to reach a little step forward to lead this work in order to set an example for them, otherwise interruptions Born specific. Send an e-mail or acoustic communication by means other irregularities is an important role for them effectively making those individuals responsible and provide appropriate time for implementation of the project work on a regular basis.

5) Making more transparent when implementing projects (Promote Transparency)
In the implementation of the project's work you always have good and bad news at the same time, but what makes the team your work efforts and encouraging further your job is to make them feel Their contribution is not overlooked. What you can push for transparency here? The project shows that this new work as their jobs or saying they own the new project that's a sensitive point, which makes them interesting and confidence to complete the task. But if one team and put guilt or burden other employees without equally will not be sorry later when the project failed . Entrepreneur

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