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Ensure that he left a lot of money if you follow the advice of 8!

To be a theory that left a lot of money is trying to make maximum profits and minimum cost ( try to maximize your income, and minimize your expense) or easy listening hard earn money and criticized medicines trying to save. Apart from that there are also a spoken word 'asset rich - rich and rich - wealthy »is not the same. The term 'rich' means that the wanton distribution does Schaller's fielding various Khmer tore the roof means that Money too rich to inject money into the house through the roof. In other words, 'good money and good at saving money are also different. You've probably heard the term 'become rich quickly, but if want to save money for the rest Do not let lack of long-term Next day delivery is not easy. Those who want to rest a lot of money that they can use the cash to increase liquidity, cash flow do not let it settle. They understand the value of money and spending digit interest and will bless returned to them, but if you look down by distributing money to waste money going to punish you. The following Article 8 which you wish to be avoided because the rich are the mistakes.

1. Greed wealth:
When you want a comfortable and want to do something want something that is easy to find a comfortable easy walking counterclockwise direction not to put money to subsist, and it was the worst suffix issues money. You greedy buying used is in the lizard's middle class -middle class ». Contrary to this rich -the wealth »greed and greed freedom earn over time, no longer depends on the efforts (efforts) Their next single, and depending on other factors. This lizard greed and freedom while commodities is not a signal that they need to pay attention.

2. Avoid business jump jump:
Should avoid frequent changes to business (diversificaton) bagged difficult business success, this little business trading business to another business. Mark Cuban is one of the outstanding businessmen advice, 'What am better business jump jump. If you want to enter the lizard rich are looking to invest and oriented to face arrow certainly not wrong.

3. Do not rely on only one source of income (business cell dysfunction):
You should not rely on a single source of income, whether he You earn that much because they do not differ from the Khmer word 'cell dysfunction. Woman working alone has no other business means he relies on the existing salary Only a day job to stop her from causing her source of income is cut off, even as they cut blood vessels, so it is only because the pool on Achaia alone do not find anything else to combine. The main thing is you should not leave spare cash to businesses to invest in something else to generate combined revenues a little bit. This is not called prostitutes jump jump or change business - diversification »but expanding business - fortification».

4. Do not typecast (do not think they think about themselves):
If you're busy, but compare yourself with others birth not because such a comparison, if living in a competitive environment does not make people less effort because busy if not too hard not too hard, too long, no longer want to be wanted. Therefore, they should not bother thinking about yourself.

5. The business must be able to look at the circumstances:
You do not do business on the latest modern technology and is too big because sometimes we do not yet they issued a series of new products not yet so old merchandise already Ochoa soon . Warren Buffett business sector, electricity, banking, construction, bridges, roads, insurance, drinks, food, candy. You should business products business that long-term use is not in doubt.

6. Do not believe all the belly, too:
Some believe in them too, believe all or abdomen face only once because of stupid or sentimental because unsympathetic to them. This is a big mistake in the business. Remember that in this cunning hundreds of chapters can not trust them completely agreed a sign the paperwork before he would give the money to invest in something you cling most intensive scrutiny not will be lost pieces vain. This is not selfish urge you suspect others, but you are smart little to counter damage scams. Today, there are tricks housing copy of the land title or fake home layout layout not less, and to pledge more (a single house where the only ground where fake layout, four, five plays collateral to defraud money). This is a real example that happens in a society like this before businesses will be followed intensive research.

7. deposit money in the bank to profit put:
If you only make money not sent into the lizard people outstanding save money. Good money to send money to the bank, though much less than just money in the face risk. The main thing you should freeze in self-digit cash account that does not make it easy for you to withdraw money ready because otherwise you just want to spend even more money bills, checks Visa card or whatever Payment can know only want to spend. Was chosen as the type of the account freeze the money to do you just want to withdraw money from banks nonsense delivery.

8. Money does not want to spend the money:
Rich rich abundance they start spending money like paper, squandering wrong digit on the unnecessary. Some of the money from do not want to spend endless buy buy buy. If you buy the right stuff to show off or flaunt others only should not do anything better than this, because they had only praise for a moment or uncomfortable satire squandering. Businessinsider

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