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The world's top 10 countries that have the most gold storage

 10) India
India has a number of stocks of 557.7 tonnes of gold reserves as gold, 5.6%, and Chinese and Indian citizens who use the world's largest gold jewelry.
9) Netherlands
Netherlands stocks of 612.5 tons of gold and gold reserves to 55.8% foreign.
8) Japan
Japan, where the country's gold reserves to 756.2 tons, but for the global supply of reserves, only 2%. 7) Switzerland
Switzerland's gold stocks to 1 040 tonnes and gold reserves as abroad 6.2%.
6) Russia
Russia gold stocks in its warehouses to 1 352,2 tonnes of gold reserves for the world 13.1%.
5) China
China has the world's largest population of gold stocks to 1 708,5 tonnes by the country virtually without gold reserves abroad.
4) France
France has become the golden mountain of the world's 4th largest gold stocks to 2 435,5 tonnes of gold reserves Global gold up to 62.1%.
3) Italy
Italy is also performing gold stocks to 2 451 tonnes and gold reserves to the world up to 65% .
2) Germany
Germany was ranked the world's No. 2 gold stocks to 3 381 tonnes and to the global gold reserves to 67.1%.
1), United States
United States not only as the world's economic and military superpower is a country with the most gold storage in the world, accounting for gold stocks to 8133.5 tonnes of gold reserves to the world, to 72.7%.

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