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9 ways to win your heart Crush

When you meet someone you feel very special person makes you secretly love (Crush ), you always want to be your lover. But to make the person you secretly love and they love you, what should you do? Want to know exactly See 9 the following method: 

1. Turned himself in to the best: you have to do it reasonably possible to fall for such care good body, good things do not act only in the living room watching TV or PC ... In particular, is a good man with good habits like. 

2. Make sure that the right people: you have to make sure yourself that the man or woman you stole love like there are people who can live at peace with each other long-term or not. 

3. Try to know them as much: You have to understand the person you secretly love the most and need to know Hope and their purpose in life. 

4. Be aware of the preferences and their fanatic: Does he or she likes and preferences on what? If you know you can do something about what they like, they will feel good. 

5. Encourage him or her a bad thing: when he has a very difficult thing, and You can help encourage help solve the problem, they will remember you and feel that you are an important person for them. 

6. Help him or her what they wanted to do: to help the people you secretly love to be doing what they love and trust and not to oppose or want to change what they want to do. You have to help encourage and provide advice to them. 

7. Show them that you are a wonderful person: from something you love and do the best for him or her see that you are a talented people and interesting. 

8. Some time: you have to understand that he or she also needs some personal time, so do not try near or see them too often. If he understands that he feels good and you always support them, he or she could drown love you. 

9. Creating confidence between the two: The confidence is the most important thing to win heart that you secretly love. You have to believe in them, and to do acts that make them believe in you. For example: when he or she tells what you need to keep secret not to tell others make him ashamed No, they will all faith in you.

Source: wikihow

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