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Thai police confirmed that ISIS can really attack in Thailand!

Thailand: According to sources, said Thai police claim and confirmed that ISIS can attack in Thailand is true. On 27 November 2015, the surprise erupted after a letter of the Thai special police unit to warn Thais threatening attacks from the Islamic State of ISIS. Until Friday, 04 December 2015, yesterday also affirmed and confirmed the Thai police to the letter, as well. Police spokesman Colonel Krisana Pattanacharoen said 'I can confirm that it's a letter released issued by the Special Branch of us.'

Noteworthy also that the content in the letter is ordered police to increase security in key areas after a warning from spies Russia that there is a Syrian involving teams ISIS 10 came into Thailand between 15 to 30 October 2015 ago.

Meanwhile, in the mail also confirmed that one of the Syrian 10, there are 4 people were traveling to resorts in Pattaya, 2 to Phuket, 2 to Bangkok and 2 others to locate obscure territory of Thailand.

However, Thai police said that they are in the process of verifying the reports received from the Russian spies, while security measures have been strengthened at foreign embassies and key places around the country.

Colonel Krisana said that we have 100 percent confidence in what we've done. We not only deploy more forces, but we also increase the exchange of information with our spies as well.

Bangkok police chief Lieutenant General Sanit Mahathavorn told reporters that Thai police have not found that 10 Syrian nationals yet, but the police will continue to search anymore. We learned a lot from the experiences we go through like a bomb at the sanctuary okay Van Police then so be careful.

After all, the security analyst Anthony Davis said the possibility of an attack in Thailand is very low because the country is not involved in the conflict with Syria .

Source : channelnewsasia

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