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7 special activities that smarter do daily

How do you become wise? This question really makes you feel so that readers also want to be a person with knowledge intelligent. That question will be interpreted for you following what smart people do?

1) Focus on others rather than themselves
Most people around the world to focus on themselves rather than others. But for smart people to see the many benefits from people around what that individual They will bring a lot of support and opportunities. In such situations, the smart people generally put their ears to listen more than talk and begin to consider how their lives have changed its target from those people.

2) Considers itself is not interesting among men
Normally, when walking into among many people expressed to be the smartest person and an idea initiated best. But compared to the smart people who are different IT- tbetei smart people see themselves as a people who are ignorant of their anyone interested or remember. This is because these individuals the opportunity to give yourself a chance to learn more from among those men without hurry.

3) Likes to ask questions to others
2 no different from the few people who try to act as a good answer questions people many know themselves in a vague or obscure anything. Shifted the focus from the smart people are realizing that only questions that only the foundation of intellectual knowledge and Intelligence. That is why this type of individual is always raised questions, and those questions itself is not a question, but the repetitions Research such as new questions.

4) Looking for something new every day
Different from people who like to sleep gridlock to what passed, or what gives the other smart people are always looking See things for yourself. By doing this because of the smartest people understand the size of the world, filled with intricate story and dynamics everything which may merge under a single life. Living by looking at what's new and learn, and that helped drive the changes to reach to develop the ability and knowledge.

5) Focus on knowledge that is scarce, rather than on existing knowledge and
Smart people see that acquiring new knowledge is an important part to develop its capacity. That is why it focuses on its lack of knowledge because it is necessary to focus on knowledge already existing. Smart people know that learning from the defect is an adventure without end or nostrils to gain something that did not get good results in the past.

6) The search for the origin of things occur
The search for the origin of everything he encountered, despite everything, it's simple or complex is The other properties of the prudent. In accordance with the actual situation famous individuals around the world, scientists, archaeologists, historians, etc. These individuals are among the smart people whose curiosity investigation and the cause of what happened in the past for evidence left behind for future generations.

7) Making smart and knowledgeable
It is not uncommon that a clever person who enjoys making people smarter and knowledgeable same reasons that people smarter and more knowledgeable those good and that makes it have a wider knowledge and provide a model for developing its capacity does not dried.

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