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If you want to succeed should stop sitting imagination and began to perform is better

The imagination and it just helps you to increase awareness further, but it may not be you to success. The only way to succeed is through the implementation of practical experience and not through sitting imagination. Success is not a goal, it is the result for life comes from hard work and struggles .

This success also comes from spending so many years to get education from capture opportunity comes from the ability to make friends and decide to do the right thing by not come from sitting imagine doing nothing. Even if you have a big project anyway, as long as you do not practice, you can not get it.

No one can guarantee that just reading a book exploring the properties of the leadership traits to become entrepreneurs or routine work of the famous billionaire can make you successful, but it's just a concept, in addition to knowledge you know how. It is good if you know how to define and visualize what you want in the future, but to your imagination is a reality requires that you have practiced a lot and make a specific point to be decided by one stage at a time to avoid doing much at one time .


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