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Billionaire Mark Cuban: Do not be a slave of bank

Professional basketball club owner and billionaire celebrity in America, Mark Cuban has given advice to everyone relevant to borrow money from banks. Mark Cuban has said that people should not be a slave bank, especially when first opened for business .

The statement made by the billionaire made against the current context because that business today, about 99 % started without capital, rely on bank loans.

For Mark Cuban, he said: 'If you borrow money from a bank, you will not be able to make the boss no. He added that: your customers, not your boss anymore. You are the prince of the real? Is Bank.

He says if you fall deeper into debt, especially in state companies will create new, you will make everything a priority for the bank (to pay) ... not in a position to do something to make your business alive and running, he said .

For Mark Cuban wants to give advice that should start a business with little capital and expand again slightly.

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