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Erratic habits of Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates to help make their jobs effectively

1) Mark Zuckerberg is a man who likes to wear simple clothes

As you've learned a lot over the habits of Mr. Zuckerberg on his clothes that they see that wearing a gray T-shirt with a gray sweater the same working day. The same dress repetition can help focus more attention on the job because he did not want takes brains to dress, what to wear everyday is an overview of your daily wear .

Usually Zuckerberg to work up to 15 hours per day in question will answer questions last year, Zuckerberg said he seems not feel are doing to myself, if he takes power brain think of the story of the nations that do not have this, they saw he was wearing a shirt color because he spent all the brain power to think of ways to create a product or service.

2) What is Bill Gates spent reading email and work everyday?

Bill Gates, founder and chief executive of Microsoft, has revealed that he used three large computer screen at work . He always read the email to more than 100 per day with a colleague and his charity work. Bill Gates used a computer screen for displaying an electronic message sent to another screen and response for every message that a computer screen is to do his daily that this is a way of separating out of joint his daily .


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