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9 reasons that the poor can not become richer

No one wants to be poor or poor. But if you are poor and you stamp ask yourself, why is it still? How the trap become rich? Here is a common reason among other reasons were found to cause you to remain slavery, poverty can not lift already become rich.

1) Waste
The euro zone excessive waste flows like water is a major root causes behind recovering from poverty. This proves that he lacks strategic and financial separation. So a good thing, you should promptly review your spending money effectively or may take what you need not spend on anything you want.

2) Accumulated less
How do you save money, how much percentage of your salary? 10%? 20%? This is not in the general principles of the program to save money. Savings ranging from 30% up is a good thing you can escape from the clutches of poverty. In order to save money enough savings, you do not need the rest of the cost, that is, to spend the remaining money from savings. The amount of savings must be a priority highest percentage in your salary.

3) Too much debt
If you tangle debt One indicator that this is not a coincidence that makes you heels already out of poverty. In case you are owed up to two places, you must find the money to redeem the bank one that has a higher interest rate (before).

4) No specific project
Dreams to become rich just imagine if you do not have any concrete plans on life its. This could be a reason to make you money and not saving Prague for himself. The fact that no plan for yourself equal to prepare the track for yourself brow failed. That good, you need to prepare a project and used to finance the scheme effectively.

5) No money allocated in case of emergency
Financial experts advise that you need to have money for themselves in times of emergencies equal to 6 months of base salary. You need to know that any necessary emergency or situation will come to you one day is absolutely precarious. So if you have reserved for themselves, and that it will help prevent you from falling debtor.

6) Has been slow in saving
Saving money is not the time nothing old, he says, thieves and fences to learn exam it. Slowing of the savings will be pushed into the pit of poverty if any urgent cases mentioned in point 5 occur. Good tips, even if you earn more or less have to do to save money to avoid saying regret the day before.

7) Just forget future updates
One day, spend a day, this means that poverty cliff awaits you. If you earn money for supplies today to ensure that you will be the debtor in the future Fail . Eliminate pre behavior concerns and embracing the idea savings in always.

8) Threw eggs into the basket lagoon
You really enjoy saving money in accordance with their aspirations for use or invest in any projects its. But have you ever thought that saving money for years to be used like a good egg a sewage into the basket so. This means that you need to use interest savings to invest more forms or avoid tire one in a wheel.

9) Have a lot of ideas, no commitment
Do you ever say that I find not much money! Goods are more expensive and can not solve the debt anymore. These are the thoughts that make you hard out of poverty. Stop complaining and stop pretending for yourself and start commitment to the cause of life, filled with responsibilities and leading change for success.


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