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Strange men become plant roots

Many people were surprised to Bangladeshi men whose rare disease There comes ulcers as bark, roots grow out of the hands and feet are hospitalized. Daily Mail man Bangladesh Abul Bajandar 26-year-old from the city of Khulna has a rare disease called Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis parents who cause the skin disorder for the past 7 years.   

Abul Bajandar told AFP that when he saw the roots grow as bark and try to remove them later has grown much and can not make him do anything.   Such a condition doctors of Dhaka Medical College Hospital and the city was discussing terms Bajandar and decided that surgery would help free. The doctor also make sure that the surgery took root from Bajandar will not make the nervous system any damage or health problems. 

In 2008, Discovery Channel showed patients Indonesian nationals whose skin has grown roots, as the plant is Dede Koswara. Later, a doctor's surgery took root, the total weight (6 kg) out of himself and Dede Koswara come home as usual. 

Source: dailymail

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