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5 simple can change your bad habits!

The work is good or bad, it comes from your daily routine. Good habits is an important source that makes you decide what you want to share bad habits do you meet the problem is more difficult to handle. So if you have a lot of bad habits should change it immediately, though not easy. Here is a simple way, which is the key to change bad habits and turn to start good habits:

1) Start with small dots
Many people have tried to change their bad habits with many activities in order to be able to change quickly, but most very few succeed because this bad habit almost becomes your life, so it is not easy to change . Alternatively, should start from the smallest details to make you feel that you want to do it and can do it .

For example, you do not like reading books, making study results are not so good at the beginning, you should not start reading the book, because you can not really do that, but if you start reading a book from much less that it would make you able to cope with the new routine.

2) Strengthen those little dots on a regular
The beginning is an important point to be used for a long time to create new habits. After you start to create a new habit with a small step, you should enforce it because this to make your own immune with new habits better than before. that should not be beyond the capabilities because it makes you feel very tense. If you start to read half a page a day, so you should add more the next day again, a bit to the possibility to do this shows that you have to go forward although in short steps.

3) Repeat this fails
Changing bad habits is very difficult, so the stage of change inevitable defeat but the important thing you need to do it again. This means that real success in creating a new habit that is people who do not give up, try to do it despite repeated some failed.

4) Need to be patient
As know, to create habits that there are many issues that make some people can not endure waiting but you do not have to cancel it. At this point, if you are not patient, it will make your efforts in the past were melted. So patience is the key to achieving the goal.

5) Seeks to encourage the people around
Motivation is very important to do something, especially when facing problems. You may find this encouraging, through family friends who do this can help you have the strength to continue working suspense. Another important thing that you must know how to motivate themselves.

Source: Entrepheneur & Business Insider

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