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8 simple ways to help make you smarter!

Clearly, study, work and business processes that are successful smart is very important contribution. Can say that intelligence is by nature, but if people do not sharpen it, intelligent get satisfied. How How to be smarter than others? In fact, there are many ways in which we can practice because it depends on the actual situation of individual people. Here are some simple ways 8 that can make people raise their intellectual better:

1) Routine to think about important matters 10 every day

In fact, one of the main reasons why many people make smart is because they do not good mental training. The coach is a quick brain can create habits by focusing on key issues to 10 every day, such as How to reduce poverty? To solve everyday problems? Should read something useful? Or How to create a new business?

These are just examples, in general, so you can choose any thing to think 10 daily strengthening the capacity of the brain. When trying to do this every day, your brain must develop quickly.

2) Tracking information more

At present, find out about events that happened in the world is important because when you know it makes you more ideas or knowledge more. It is not difficult to obtain new information, because we can find out by reading the newspaper, watching television or listen. Experts say: "You know the most clutch was a win."

3) Create a routine expression

Most people do not dare to say what they think is right, which is still hidden in his heart or shy afraid to raise. This is a negative habits of the people because when you continue to do this more and more fears . So should create more customary expression Even if your mind is not good, but when trying to make it from day to day things really improve.

4) Create more reading habits

Reading the book is really important because before they decide to publish a book on sale, the author spent Research time all year long, so there are a lot of practical knowledge you can get through them. There are many famous people in the world are those who have spent a lot of time with the book so they can become a great man, even his number one billionaire Bill Gates also spent time reading books.

5) Watch educational videos instead of TV

Most people spend time with one particular TV entertainment spending less time to watch educational videos good . These videos can sort videos focus on the life experiences of the successful development of the education sector or other business processes. Increasing these educational video viewing habits can make you get a lot of new ideas, and you can use it in everyday life he said.

6) Find out what is needed now, and what is necessary for the future

2, you can create a table with a table for writing what you need for the present and another table to write everything that is necessary or important projects for the future. This can make you aware of matters that are necessary for the present and make you ready for things that are important for your future.

7) Learn from best practices who are smarter than you

You should spend some time to find out why some people around a flexible and intelligent than you? you can monitor your overall activity, or can also ask key questions. This can make you get a good idea to improve its development.

8) Exercise as often

Exercise is very important for human health because if there is no health in general really feel to think or do anything to achieve that. When we exercise, it makes fresh brain or reduce the stress caused by the story complex. This makes you more intelligent as well.

Source: Businessinsider

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