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6 species of fruits and vegetables that you should not tire by meals

Vegetables and fruit are all good nutrition, we all know that eating fruits and vegetables, it makes healthy but In general, before you eat these fruits and vegetables will always do the cleaning, sometimes by tires, making decreases Some vitamins contained in the shell that you never knew before, according to a nutrition specialist said Katie Cavuto, RD In Philadelphia fruits and vegetables 6, its front tire provides many benefits to the body, which is not near the tire it out.
1/ French friesIn potato crust contains nutrients such as B vitamins, minerals and fiber to 20%, so you should avoid cleaning by tire out before cooking.

2/ TrabsandayTrabsanday thick crust contains Phytonutrient powerful antioxidant that may help protect cells from viruses.
3/ Sweet potatoesSweet potatoes as a type of food people eat, sometimes even shelling out, you do not know the benefits It's in the sweet shell is a collection of nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium.
4/ CucumbersCucumber with green bark iris contains antioxidants to boost the immune system and fiber, fiber can help prevent constipation.

5/ Carrots
Tuber vegetables that are planted in the ground, such as carrots vegetables be washed clean as possible to avoid by tires It's all because antioxidants are concentrated in its shell.
6/ AppleMany people appointed by apple shell out because they think it is a bit tough when eating, but in the bark of the apple is rich Fiber fiber, which helps digestion, including vitamin C and Quercitin Triterpenoids items can fight cancer.

Source: womenshealthmag

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