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7 simple tips as a way to help make your memory better than before !

1) Focus
The best way to make good your memory is to continue the spotlight. When you leave the brain in space or make a fantasy that means you're making the system function failures of the brain that causes memory to recall old information problems. So when you focus the more you can keep a better memory.

2) Create the imaginary picture of what you want to remember
Creating imagine something you need to remember is a big part of the brain to recall old information in your brain effectiveness.

3) Reminded again and again
Reminded again and again of what you want to remember in the brain is the best way to be reminded again and again long to It became a part of the brain.

4) Why you want to remember it
You need to think why you want to remember it, and you have to know how to create a relationship will aim to make your brain You remember something better.

5) Write out what you want to remember
Writing stories that you want to remember to come out and set it in the order that makes you easily adding more memory to reiterated. Some research has shown that the use of gesture wrote something to help make the brain enhance memory one more level.

6) To create a mark for themselves
To create a mark for themselves is also important to help the brain make good memories easier to recall. Especially when you're trying to remember the words or numbers, something you should know how to create a mark for itself on what you're doing to easy to remember.

7) Teach others
The best way to remember something is to explain or teach it to other people, so sharing your knowledge to colleagues or a friend is a good thing that lets you remember and recall back very well.

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