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Russia accused the Turkish President and his family's oil smuggling Islamic state

Russia on December 2, leading to direct attacks against individuals in crisis with Turkey, accusing directly President Recep R. Erdogan and his family that oil smuggling business opportunity with an organization called the Islamic State Syria. These new allegations come more than a week after the Turkish jet shot down a Russian bombing in near the Syrian border led to an outbreak of acute crisis in relations between the 2 countries. In front of several hundred journalists, Russian deputy defense minister Anna read Antonov charged on December 2 These major consumers of oil stolen from legitimate owners, Syria and Iraq, Turkey. He said that political leaders, including President Abraham Erdogan and his family took part in the illegal oil trade . Deceit of the Turkish government does not have borders.

To confirm these claims Anna Lee Antonio Aquino revealed satellite images showing large convoy tankers, but not provide details on how Abraham Erdogan associated with oil smuggling. Responsible for Russia has accused the president's son-Turkey BERAT ALBAYRAK 37-year-old who recently was appointed as the Minister of Energy directed energy CALIK HOLDING a long time as well as a son of R. Erdogan Beeline BMZ business in public works and transport by sea. R. Erdogan reacted immediately respond by threatening to take retaliatory measures if Moscow continues to work discrediting propaganda. Russian President Vladimir Putin has accused Ankara already on 30 November that help protect the group of fighters Islamic states and prevent smuggling of oil, which is the main financial source for the Islamic State.

He understood that the decision of the planes shot down Turkish jet SU-24 from Russia is willing to protect road transport transportation towards oil to Turkish territory. Putin claimed that the black gold (oil) have been sent so much how the industry forward to Turkey have amounted to several million more billion. These charges are Abraham Erdogan refused and demanded that Moscow presented evidence.

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