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5 most famous scary places in the world

Numerous recreational areas in the world all have many features to attract tourists to visit since the resort, nature, culture, entertainment, creativity, many strange pose a fun atmosphere. But some sites make visitors want to go, but the fear of famous where alarming:

1. Lake ice buried with the bones

In 1942, when the patrol arrived near Lake Roopkund of India, located in the mountainous Himalayas altitude of about 5029 meters, also found several human bones around the lake by accident. When summer arrives, the ice began to melt, they found several human bones appeared that some bones flesh and hair. Some experts, including residents living near the area believe that there is a place where people do suicide. Until 2004, a study conducted there, the scientists found bones of 9th century and objects such as rings, spears, shoes, leather and bamboo sticks. Scientists suggest that there is a place Tribal ritual human sacrifice and died there. And the bodies of their bones intact until today.

2. Snake venom

The island of Ilha da Queimada Grande region of Brazil as a ban because an island surrounded by snake venom. On the island is the habitat of the snake venom of about 4000, which are the dangerous snakes time experts estimate that the island is 1 square meter snake 1 .

3. Temple mice

In Rajasthan, India Temple Karni Mata Hindu temple dedicated to Shiva Karni Mata were you live the area known as the place for mice. For those tourists who visit the Temple of Karni Mata is not allowed to strike or treated mice. Mice living in a castle, about 2 thousand are respected as the shrine and have put nets prevent other animals prey hurt those mice. Not only to protect the mouse, but there also have to watch closely with food such as cakes and sweets and sugar from those living near the castle. In the castle is surrounded by the mouse, the mouse is considered as a special deity.

4. Fire pit tuormenisthean

In 1971, Soviet scientists have installed machine to see the bottom of the center of the desert Karakum tuormenisthean they think it's oil reserves. However, below is a region loaded with natural gas sank a pit Phong broken machinery, drilling and basic scientists. Fears natural gas (methane) emissions to the outside scientists decided to burn, causing a fire pit fire and not easily off like that. Until today, the pit 70 meters, 30 meters is still burning and the local people call it the door of hell. However, a fire pit has become a place to attract a lot of tourists want to visit.

5. Island ghost doll

The island of Isla de las Munecas cartoon ghost in Mexico related the story of a girl who drowned died near the islands. After the death of the girl they found several toy floating on the beach island of Isla de las Munecas. Don Julian Santana Barrera as the owner of the island, could not help the girl out drowning has decided to collect these dolls to hang on the tree as a reminder of the girl. Many people living in the region believe that they heard a voice whispering to each other, like a doll have a soul upon The latter also happens island Barrera drowned girl drowned same in 2001. 

Source: BBC

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