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The simple secret tips to help you be creative like Steve Jobs

What should you have to become a person who is full of creativity? The answer may not like what you thought. Many people used to think that those individuals born with a new wonder that the world has ever seen previously. For some innovation is the creation of what is new ideas. But the innovative new things today are resulting from the combination or linking together what one out of joint in the past.

For example, Google is a company that is the biggest innovation in the world, but in the first phase, Google is designed to find what's existing on many put out of joint standards, numbering only the latter develop a better search. Apple not progress to date by creating a new name, but is happening due to merger CTO function and design into a new existing everyone never thought of.

Apple is not the first phone makers have developed the first touch screen and also created the concept of an operating system (OS), but Apple has taken what these existing merger creates the first iPhone, which makes the phone industry has changed significantly. Merger and Apple recently made a series of successful before Steve Jobs founded Apple technology sector is growing a measure of progress already.

So the fact of inventing something new is to merge the existing combined single mode which is a good thing if you're trying to bring something new into the job or come into your company . But it does not mean that you do not need engineers, or did not need those skills Design but you need them to create a new form .


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